These books changed the course of my life. 📚🤯


Anything You Want, Derek Sivers

Founder of CDBaby shares short, powerful entrepreneurial insights, like how to simply price products, build partnerships, and build better products. Quick read.

The War of Art, Steven Pressfield

This book will give you more willpower by changing your relationship to work, creativity, & Resistance. Read 3x.

Lean Impact, Ann Mei Chang

Chang applies Lean Startup tactics to social impact missions. Impact deserves rapid learning, iteration, and better outcomes. Social impact must.

Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari

#1 NYT Bestseller, Picked by Obama and Gates, Harari brings to life human history. It will give you a zoomed out and more informed perspective on the human species and our future. Read 2x, changed how I see the world.

Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela

"Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand history – and then go out and change it." –President Barack Obama. Can’t say it any better.

The Buddha and The Badass, Vishen Lakiani

Buddha = spiritual master, Badass = creator and changemaker on the physical plane. This book helped my merge the two, be a better leader, and coworker. New leadership must.

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World, John Wood

Founder of Room to Read shares the transformational story of leaving of high power position at Microsoft to build schools and libraries around the world. Read in 2006, lead to spending year in Asia teaching English and backpacking.

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, Kamal Ravikant

This book changed my relationship with myself in several challenging times.

The World Could Be Otherwise, Norman Fischer

Deeply powerful introduction to the nature of reality through the eyes of Zen Buddhism.

Strange the Dreamer, Laini Taylor

An early introduction to beautifully written YA fiction through an anti-hero, blue gods stuck in a spaceship statue. A gateway to Laini Taylor’s world-class writing and world-building.